vineri, 7 martie 2008

Cate Blanchett

Nume real
Catherine Blanchett

Locul nasterii
Melbourne, Australia

Data nasterii


Filmografie - Actor

The Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) - D-na. Fox (voce)
The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Indiana Jones and the The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) - Agenta Irina Spalko
Indiana Jones and the The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Elizabeth: Epoca de aur (2007) - Regina Elizabeth I
Elizabeth: The Golden Age

I'm Not There (2007) - Bob Dylan/Jude
I\'m Not There

Jurnalul unui scandal (2006) - Sheba Hart
Notes on a Scandal

Babel (2006) - Susan

Misterele Berlinului (2006) - Lena Brandt
The Good German

Ia-o de la capat! (2005) - Tracy Heart
Little Fish

Steve Zissou: Cel mai tare de pe mare (2004) - Jane Winslett-Richardson
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Aviatorul (2004) - Katharine Hepburn
The Aviator

Stapanul Inelelor: Intoarcerea Regelui (2003) - Galadriel
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Lord of the Rings 3)

Veronica Guerin (2003) - Veronica Guerin
Veronica Guerin / Chasing the Dragon: The Veronica Guerin Story

Disparutele (2003) - Maggie Gilkeson
The Missing

Stapanul Inelelor: Cele Doua Turnuri (2002) - Galadriel
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings 2)

Paradis? (2002) - Philippa

Banditi! (2001) - Kate Wheeler

Stapanul Inelelor: Fratia Inelului (2001) - Galadriel
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings 1)

Stiri de acasa (2001) - Petal Bear
The Shipping News

Charlotte Gray (2001) - Charlotte Gray
Charlotte Gray

Prezicere fatala (2000) - Annie Wilson
The Gift

The Man Who Cried (2000) - Lola
The Man Who Cried

Sotul ideal (1999) - Gertrude Chiltern
An Ideal Husband

Talentatul domn Ripley (1999) - Meredith Logue
The Talented Mr. Ripley

Turnul de contol (1999) - Connie Falzone
Pushing Tin

Elizabeth - Regina virgina (1998) - Regina Elizabeth I

Oscar si Lucinda (1997) - Lucinda Leplastrier
Oscar and Lucinda

Bine ca a cunoscut-o pe Lizzie (1997) - Lizzie
Thank God He Met Lizzie

Drumul catre paradis (1997) - Susan Macarthy
Paradise Road

Poduri peste ape seci (Mini serie TV) (1994) - Elizabeth Ashton
Heartland (Mini TV Series)

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